Castle of
They leap
I lived in this castle from 2006 to 2018.
It was my basic studio for 12 years.
Here I was able to study and deepen sensoriality and perception.
The sensorial and synesthetic research archive consists of around 3000 photographs.
Diary, visual notes, experimentation with lenses and visual effects, research and study.
2014 - Research for Grant me another becoming - Toy Lens on Canon 20D
2014 - Research for Grant me another becoming - Toy Lens on Canon 20D
2014 - Vision exercise - Looking at a wall for half an hour - Toy Lens on Canon 20D
2014 - Smell. Lavender and color - Toy Lens on Canon 20D
2014 - Study of light on different materials - Toy Lens on Canon 20D
2017 - Instagram filters study - Smartphone
2014 - Perception: the shape. Reading Kanizsa - Toy Lens on Canon 20D
2014 - Optical illusion - Toy Lens on Canon 20D Postproduction in Camera Raw with concealer brush
2014 - Optical Illusions - Toy Lens on Canon 20D
2014 - Seeing exercise - Toy Lens on Canon 20D
2014 - Distortion perception - Toy Lens on Canon 20D