In 2014 I was called to London by the artist Michelangelo Bonitatibus, poet, ceramist and photographer to develop a photographic work on myth and poetry. It was a very special and important experience for my photographic research. We combined techniques of performance, theater, reading, poetry and photography. We then created a photographic installation of that work in 2017. which includes a path with a storyteller: the photographs are in fact mounted on huge panels. The presentation also includes a sound installation and the creation of a Chamber of Wonders.
The installation in video form was presented in several European cities: Geneva 2016, Quartiere de la Jonction, and in London 2017 The PSpace Gallery with the collaboration of No Name Collective Gallery London.
I have always written poetry with the sensitivity of a photographer, trying to stop a story, an emotion in one verse and Vanessa has always
looked at the photograph with the poet's eye trying to capture a sound, a word in an image. So combining the two was an inevitable step. As well as inevitable was the choice of the place that was to frame our project: London, the city that I have learned to recognize as my world. At first we were a little hesitant. Where and how to find pictures that
captured the essence of what we wanted to represent? Then it was they, the characters of the myth, who knocked on our goal.
So in the streets of London, in the shop windows, in the pubs, in the subways we met Penelope, Ulysses, the Minotaur, the Emperor, Antinous and the Knights. And suddenly our work began to take shape on its own. Now that our trip has ended we would like to leave
to images and texts the task of guiding you through our own joys, anxieties, fears, reticence.
Concedimi un altro divenire Michelangelo Bonitatibus Vanessa Rusci
Concedimi un altro divenire Michelangelo Bonitatibus Vanessa Rusci
Concedimi un altro divenire Michelangelo Bonitatibus Vanessa Rusci
Concedimi un altro divenire Michelangelo Bonitatibus Vanessa Rusci
The exhibition is accompanied by the texts of Michelangelo's poems taken from the books
"The chimera hunter" Ed. Fermenti 2007
"Alchemy of ash" Ed. La Vita Felice 2014 Below the Booklet found in the exhibition.
The books are on sale in the best online stores.