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Vanessa Rusci

Current assignments

Owner of VR Communication Photography Marketing and communication since 2004 in Italy and London.

Photocoach and contemporary art trainer.

Photo Editor Smart Photo California Project.

Responsible and Photo Editor Sect. Selection Emerging Photography and artists and editorial consultant Magazine section. Special Guest No Name Collective Gallery London since 2017.

Lecturer at IPOD Institute for dynamic psychodrama Rome: “Self Branding” course, “Image in psychodrama, at the time of social media” course.

Head of IMDb database management, Wikipedia, and communication for Plays Roma Documentaries, Fiction and Television.

BAM ACADEMY Arezzo teacher.

Project manager “Narrow London” Ealing Borrow London.



Personal history and training.

Born in Grosseto in 1971.

Since 1996 he has frequented Rome and the Roman artistic world. He moved to Milan in 2001, worked in Belgium from 2002 to 2008 for marketing projects, returned to Tuscany in 2009 in the Castello di Saltemnano in the Sienese countryside where he lived for twelve years.

Since 1996 she regularly frequents London where she works both as an artist and photographer.

Since 2017 he has lived in Rome, Grosseto and London.

He always develops, both for companies and personally, projects where the boundary between art, marketing and communication is extremely blurred.

The main themes of his works are social, photography, often conceptual, is a tool to make people think, to provoke, to be often included in performances, in installations.


She approaches the world of analogue photography very young at the age of 18, prints her images reaching an excellent level that will bring her the attention of Roberto Mutti who will follow her for many years in her artistic path, then over the years she will switch to digital, to video, new photography, vjing.


In 2001, after attending the courses of photographer Maria Neri Barigozzi for three years, he won a scholarship for the University of the Image of Fabrizio Ferri in Milan, where he studied with the greatest exponents of Italian and European photography, critics and Italian art, from Elio Grazioli to Fabrizio Ferri himself, from Emanuela de Cecco to Francesco Dondina.


After this Milanese experience he began to travel between Italy and Belgium, where he made his first corporate reportages and his first artistic projects.

His path is mainly that of the self-taught, alternating with periods of training and research.

Since 2003, photography is not only an artistic expression but also becomes a profession and opens its own communication studio VR Communication and professional photography for companies.


Sensory and synaesthesia, reflection on perception and vision, social themes become the matrix of almost all of his photographic works.

The social issues it addresses are many:

eating disorders (Ana, so Ugly, I eat therefore I'm)

senility (In particular)

the memory (Liquid Eyes)

the perception of the other (Contact)

the unconscious (Perforamativi Portraits: The Princess Who Can't Laugh - The Prince and the Poor, Giuly & Parise, Stefy in the wonderland with Diamond)

Immigration (Colletive Portrait Geneve - Hands and faces of the world)

Violence (Noi Social 4 Women, I gift 4 you, I am pure love)



His path moves alternately, between video, photography, performance, installation, alternating but also mixing the various media.


Also in 2006 he began to collaborate with the magazine FeFè Project, a magazine of the European Institute of Design directed by Luigi Vernieri for which he edited reportage on art events related to the film festival and the Roman art festivals. Belvedere festival, Viedram Festival, Film Festival.

In 2013 he will bring his Work shop "Synaesthetic and sensorial investigations" within the cycles of WS IED Factory in Rome.


Since 2003 he has been holding photography courses, developing his own teaching method "Approach to photography through the 5 senses" for marketing and art photography and work shop "Synaesthetic and sensory investigations" for reportage photography and "About your body" for social and fashion photography.

In 2008 he created his school "Vanessa Rusci Method Photography School" at the media library of Asciano, Siena, to date the courses continue online and around Italy with Workshops.


He exhibits in New York with the gallery, in Paris at the Louvre for an event with NY, and in Miami for Art Scoope Miami. Since 2010 he has been selling his images in Los Angeles with the SaatchiArt gallery, in London and Oxford with the Fine art Seen gallery, currently represented by NNC Gallery London and Apero Gallery California.


He is an Italian exponent of the new Vjing technique and in 2010 he won the Arte Laguna Arsenali award at the Biennale in the Performance section with a work in crew where he made the videos; in the following years with Lpm Live Performers Meeting he exhibited in Minsk and Capetown. Her images from the live vj sets that she calls VJtable are on sale in the SaarchiArt online gallery in Los Angeles.


Since 2011 he discovers and begins to deal with social networks for companies, always continuing to overlap artistic and marketing levels and starting a research on virtual perception and memory.


His images are part of private collections and publications:

Most Beautiful Villages of ITALY Ed. Romana

Arte All'arte 2006 Reportage on Alberto Garutti Ed. Gli Ori

Fefèproject Special Edition 2010 2012 Ed. Fefeproject Bunker Lab

Belvedere 2010 2012 Ed. Fefeproject Bunker Lab

Viedram 2009 2011 IED ROME


Salcheto SRL 2019

Municipality of Arezzo Municipal Collection 2016

Scalabrelli family 2006



2020 Aperò Catalog California Industrial

2020 Aperò Catalog California The Vassel

2019 Riconnaissence 2019 Association Femmes pour le Dire. Paris

2018 Chachama New york Seeme Collective for his research on the female nude

2018 NNC London Gallery “I Am Pure Love”, Artist of the years.

2017 Fine Art Gallery Seen London "NoiSocial4Women"

2015 Exhibition at the Louvre Exposure 2015 with the Gallery in New York. September 2015

2015 Miami Scope Arte Show Basel

2014 July Gallery New York Timesquare

2013 November Cape Town South Africa Lpm Live Performance Meeting Sex Prepoduction

2013 October Selected New York #CreativeReasing Collective - Long Island Gallery

2013 June Newyork City Award _International Collective Gallery

2012 First Prize Godrano Photography Palermo with acquisition of the Opera in the Godrano Art Gallery

2011 November finalist of the Leica prize 2011 October Winner of the VISIONI IN YELLOW Award Latina

2011 September GUEST LPM MINSK BELARUS Pre Production Award

2011 May winner LPM Live Performance Meeting, Rome PRE PRODUCTION section

2010 October winner of IF INNOVATION FESTIVAL Milan for the industrial photography of the pharmaceutical company


2010 APRIL winner of the LAGUNA PRIZE section PERFORMANCE "KU" vjing and dance theater

Personal EXHIBITIONS & Art and Advertising:

2020 Todimmagina Collective Spazio Bam by Antonio Manta "Photography is a woman".

2019 Spazio Bam Antonio Manta, About my personal body

2019 Riconnaissence 2019 Association Femmes pour le Dire. Paris

2018 Chachama New york Seeme Collective for his research on the female nude

2018 NNC London Gallery “I Am Pure Love”, Artist of the years.

2017 Fine Art Gallery Seen London "NoiSocial4Women"

2017 September Collaboration with the Maison de Jonction, Geneva Cultural Center, Project “A gift for you” performance and exhibition

2016 May Collaboration with La Maison de Jonction, Cultural Center of Geneva, presentation of artistic path and performance Portrait Colletive Social operation of collective portrait in real time using facebook

2015 June Siena Invisible city - Municipality of Siena - Commemoration of the death of Italo Calvino Video installation

2014 June Seoul Museum of art Seoul, South Korea second exhibition of the work created with the artist Mary Lee Mae Lee

2014 May the National Assembly (Seoul, South Korea) exhibition of the work created with the artist Mary Lee Mae Lee

2013 October Luaar Shoes in London, London, for the presentation of the 2013 2014 collection at the Olivier's Lounge Showroom Vj set developed on the autumn winter line and performed live within the presentation

2013 September Opera Waiting Pastry Certaldo Boccaccesca 2013 for the 700th anniversary of the birth of Boccaccio Interactive Vjing installation "Eros and Boccaccio" Music Fabio Santini Vj and Photography Vanessa Rusci

2009 2013 Genoa, Milan, Turin Advertising and Marketing: Hands and Faces of the World exhibition within the My Floor Franchising. My permanent exhibition is installed in all the shops Progetto DIGITAL DISTILLER TORINO Emanuela Zilio

2012 Italiani the milk is finished operation Brand and Art performance Siena Florence Grosseto

2007 December Montalcino (SI) Vjing by Varu tribute to Pink Floyd7

2007 September Abbadia S.Salvatore Siena Performance “Cavalletti Umani” WHITE NIGHT at work “A… come amore” amorous delirium to Alda Merini

2007 September Murlo di Siena Murlo dreams tell according to color

2007 June Siena Contact for Spaces in search of an author University of Siena

2006 So Ugly Current Collective 3 Palazzo del Taya Buonconvento Siena

2006 September Siena Know all about alcohol abuse for the Craft Beer Festival

2005 September Siena Ana for Spazi in search of an author

University of Siena

2005 April Milan - Casa139 Media #

2005 In the middle of the Cammin Collectivo Corrente Palazzo del Taja Buonconvento Siena

2005 March Terni - Illy Placebo Coffee Bookshop In particular

2004 February Buonconvento - Siena The dream factory

2004 January Ponte d'Arbia - Siena Photographic documentary "Eyes in the Eyes" for the Casa del Popolo with the high patronage of Monte dei Paschi di Siena

2004 The book of lost food Collective Corrento Buonconto Siena

2003 July Buonconvento - Siena projection of the works within the “Esperiarte” Self-production event

2003 April Milan Performance Barboni in Piazza del Duomo in Milan ”with Laura Barenghi Self-production

2002 Buonconvento - Siena In particular

2000 Grosseto Those who laugh Self-production

1997 Grosseto Ivanda Self-production

1995 Grosseto… in my house Self-production


2018 August Castello di Saltemnano Siena "Walking on the moon".

2017 October Teatro dei Risorti Buonconvento Siena "Women" with Anna Belvedere

2016 September Teatro dei Risorti Buonconvento Siena "Women" with Anna Belvedere

2014 May Schloss Solitude Stuttgart, organized by the Stuttgart Business Club in collaboration with AP Kunstgalerie, video installation created for the artist Giovanni Maranghi. Germany

2013 November Searching The Holy Grail Cape Town South Africa Lpm Live Performance Meeting Sez. Preproduction

2013 October Performance for Luaar Shoes in London Showroom Olivier's Lounge

2012 October LPM Biellorussia Minsk “Vanadio” with Fabio Santini

2011 May LPM Live Performance Meeting Rome “Vanadio” with the musician Fabio Santini

2010 September Beer village (Siena) VJ “I entrust you” feat Luciano Santarelli

2010 May LPM Live Performance Meeting Rome "8 = Open"

2010 April Arte Laguna MRK “Ku” Award Winner of the Performance section

2010 January February “Damage reduction” various locations

2009 December “Project for the reduction of damage” Perugia - Electro lab

2009 November “Vj Table” with The disorder of things Pavia

2009 April LPM Live Performance Meeting Rome "Ku"

2009 April The theaters of Sacred Rome "The rose in hell"

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